A master race

I thought of it first. Or rather, I thought of it before it was mentioned on Doctor Who this evening. So there.

The End of Time, Doctor Who

They really had to spice up the Master so that he could match the Doctor’s sticky-uppy hair, as Wilfred calls it. Blond will have to do. It at least made him look cooler, while he still managed the stark, raving mad quite nicely.

The End of Time, Doctor Who

Whereas Daughter enjoyed herself, Son was being quietly, or not so quietly, sarcastic about it all. Having two Lord Asriels in the one episode made up for things a little, however.

The cactii were charming, as cactii go. Wilfred continues to be lovely, and I have no idea how poor Donna is doing, except she’s less out of it than you’d think.

The End of Time, Doctor Who

And surely this was the saddest we’ve seen Doctor Tennant so far?

One response to “A master race

  1. But not the most saddest moment of David Tennant’s Doctor role. We are promised some sad scenes in the last of the Tennant.

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